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Joined: 29/10/06
Posts: 1
Location: Canterbury
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HARM debut release may 2007
Posted: Wed May 2, 2007 4:47 am
Shock Well hows it going there avid music fans/musicians/and solo performing artists,firstly I would like to thank the whole team here at muzic.net for providing us with such a great site to be a part of,I just wanted to share a few words about our debut album hitting stores this month,boy its been a long arduous journey for the lads of HARM,we have gone through many ups and downs trying to cut this album,But as the old saying go's nothing good will come without hard work or effort,and s**t we have put that in,The whole recording process for us was rather painfull it kinda felt like we were sam wise frodo and golumn carrying the ring of power to the firey top of mount doom in moordor,but yeha!!! we made it,and our efforts have paid off,well in satisfaction for completeing the album anyway and independently( but with a lot of help) so its been a big learning curb for all the lads,itr was a time of flared tempers and a lot of song disecctions to get the sound we were after,I truley dont think the album will leave us guys feeling 100% happy with the finished product,but hey we are fussy buggers and just want it to be the best it can be,I know its premature for me to say, but we are already working on the follow up album,now with 6 members to HARM and a whack load of jams and ditties that have been on the back burner for ages,our musical direction has evolved over the last decade and it seems a long time for us guys to be just spitting out our first album(which I am excited about) but its the new material which has really got me fizzing out the buttocks!!!!,and I cant wait to spring it on willing ears,at this stage we have 2 gigs organised for late june in Queenstown, and its so hard organising to play venues through out NZ (thanks Hadliegh us guys will all chip in for the toll calls bro!!!! just put it on our tab!!!) But it has been so rewarding for us to interact with well established bands and musicians that have offered us advice,direction,suggestions and good will and most of all support,thats the thing that makes me proud to be a kiwi from godzone is musically regardless of genre we are all part of the music family and that blows me away there are some very very talented people in this country and its such a priveledge to be influenced by these awesome people,well Im gona stop rabiting on now its time foe a nice cup of tea and some weet-bix to kick start the day if you feel inclined take a peek at some of the songs we posted here have a listen and see what ya think any feed back is always welcome bear in mind these are NOT the final versions only dry recordings,but hey cheers to all keep it green awesome kiwis and go hard for NZ music month PEACE :-)

Russ HARM Google

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