12 Feb 2006 // An interview by Shade
Since this interview took place, Scourge of Tussin have gone into hiatus.
1) Who are your favourite NZ bands and artists?
Slavetrader, The Hasselhoff Experiment, Chants R'n'B, the Ho'Dogs, all of the cool bands from $lave. The Werepigs, Hell Fuckin Rumble, The Users, Lady Luck, Knife Fight, - fuck there are heaps. Everything in Palmy except those cranks that stinkbomb our shows!
2) What is your favourite NZ venue?
Murray - the ones that give us the most free piss.
Kane - Historically the best venue was the Wild Horse Saloon. Just for weirdness. They had saddles and cart wheels and shit everywhere like real cowboy shit and it was huge. There were these alchoholics that lived there and they just handed over their dole and got piss. They were farkin funny. Only venue where I saw dogroll in the hamburger fridge.
Today it's our local Guv's. Bands should fully come home and play. We'll look after you.
3) What is the best live gig you have ever been to?
Murray - Motorhead/8 foot on the 1st dec 2005
Kane - Ho'Dogs, Flaming Werepigs and The Coolies, Kings Arms, Auckland 2001. Fark yeah bands on acid, farkin ho dogs impromptu encore started by the singer just staying on stage till one by one the band relented and got the fuck back up! Magic!
4) Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?
Murray - alcohol related deaths
Kane - Hopefully five great albums. Gonna be in the studio soon, late 2005/early 2006. So watch this space. We gotta a lot of new material, hopefully peeps will hear improvment. For me it's all about the live shows but you need to release shit so the kids can learn the words.
5) How do you keep in contact with your fans?
Murray - fans?!?
Kane - Basically the swamp is a community of people who dig rock and roll. Wouldn't like to see us seeing our friends (whether we have met them yet or not) as "fans". Seems a bit ego driven. Friends and family use the $lave web site (www.slave.co.nz) as a good way to keep up, or they come to the shows. Peeps know they can find me drunk at any good social event.
6) What rumour would you like to start about yourselves?
Murray - We are actually straight edge christians pretending that we get fucked up and play dirty rock n' roll about Drugs, Alcohol and Satan.
Kane - That I've got a paternity suit pending, that Kraq don't get up before 5pm, that Kris is getting married and having another baby, and that Murray is really a gardener.
7) What advice would you like to give to other aspiring musicians?
Murray - Drink. And to quote Kerry King "It's not that you have to drink... it's just that the best seem too"
Kane - Listen to Murray. Also get the fuck out and play. Bedroom perfection don't mean shit. Only by playing, gigging and getting yr shit out can you ever learn what works and what to improve. PS Don't eat Christianity when yr down (just another farkin drug that aint fun), make a stand when you think it's right and don't shut up when you know you shouldn't just cos cunts say it's time you did.
thanks for your support