29 Nov 2004 // An interview by Shade
1. How was Ruptus Jack formed?
In 2000 at Pakuranga College through a talent quest, which we came second to an asian girl whos bloomers fell down.
2. Who are your favourite NZ musicians/bands?
Shihad, Concord Dawn, Shapeshifter, HLAH. Also the NZ hiphop scene is pretty mean too!
3. Who would you most like to support live?
Incubus or Deftones maybe, theres heaps of bands we'd love to support!
Playing at one of those big festivals in Europe would be awesome.
4. How would you describe Ruptus Jack's sound?
A blend of Punk, Metal and Drum 'n bass. Heaps of Energy.
5. How do you believe Ruptus Jack fits into the NZ music 'scene'?
We havn't really as of yet...
6. What is your most embarrassing on tour moment?
Its been pretty sweet so far, probably heaps of moments but we've been to wasted to remember them!
7. How did you come up with the name for Ruptus Jack?
Its the greek Love god - "Ruptus Maximus", he was also a fine musician.
8. What are your plans for 2005?
Release an E.P, play in Ausie, tour NZ again.
9. What do you always take to your gigs?
10. What is in your CD collection at home?
At the moment - Killswitch Engage, Shapeshifter, The Vines, Green Days new album.
11. Which member of Ruptus Jack has the worst habit, and what is it?
Jared Snores.
12. What were you doing before Ruptus Jack was founded?
Studying for School C, Trying to buy beer with Fake I.D's
13. What is your favourite NZ venue?
Kings Arms - wicked sound, Mark the sound guy is awesome!
14. Who do you admire in NZ music at the moment?
Shapeshifter, Salmonella Dub and The almighty DATSUNS!!!
15. Is the 'You Don't Know Jack' going well for you?
Yeh its been wicked we are in Napier at the moment in an Internet Cafe.
Shows have been well received and have met some awesome bands. Voodoo Butta, Tempo 38 and Slipping Tongue have been fun to drink with - they play good music too.
16. What rumour would you like to start about yourselves?
They drink heaps and they are well hung.
17. What will Ruptus Jack's next release be?
Ruptus Jack E.P next year... keep an eye out.
Thanks heaps,
Ruptus Jack