Blindspott are easily one of New Zealand's most iconic Rock bands, with many of their songs idolised by their huge fanbase. With more than 2 decades amazing audiences worldwide, they have amassed multiple hit singles and an extensive tour repertoire. Marcus spoke to Gaby from about performing on stage, influences and authenticity.
Hi Marcus! Thank you so much for taking the time to have a chat. I’ll start easy. What’s the nerdiest thing you’re into in your spare time?
DUDE I love Star Trek! Pumped on the new Discovery ha ha ha. Even have coasters mate!
What’s something you personally have to do before every show?
I stretch and warm up my joints. Play 3 different riffs for about 15 minutes as I feel they warm up my fingers the best.
It must have been gutting to cancel some biggies this year. I saw you had a good run of shows in NZ recently however! What does it feel like being back up there sharing your energy on stage?
To be honest, I think it's better this time around. The crowds are so much more vocal and happy. There is a comradery in the audience. people look so grateful to be out and at a gig. It's easy to respond with more energy when we are receiving that. So good!
The stage performance and crowd engagement is obviously a real craft. What do you like most about being physically up there?
That is the connection. The face to face interaction. It's seeing the reactions to songs you've written by people that you have just met because of the music. Nothing beats live.
What were the bands growing up that changed your views, and influenced you most in your youth?
N.W.A, UB40, Deftones, Metallica, Led Zep, Kyuss, Alice In Chains, Third World, Dave Matthews... I'm a music fan, But off the top of my head... these will do.
If you were not a musician, what do you think you would be doing instead?
I run a trust that looks after 12 to 24 year olds, Crescendo. We have a team of people who help youth find employment and educational pathways.
Given the current global times, which make you think about the good and the bad, what is the worst advice you’ve ever been given with music?
Well... City of Souls released our debut album during lockdown. I think it definitely affected the reach and sales. It's obvious now we are doing shows again as our numbers are increasing. Touring definitely makes a difference. The worst advice... advice is only one person's opinion or perception. For me it's about learning. I don't care if I make mistakes or fail at things because I get to do it better next time. The only bad advice is not giving things a go.
And if you like, what’s been the “better”, or, more encouraging advice you remember being given as an artist?
Fail fast, learn fast.
What is your favourite Blindspott song? And, why?
Ilah. Because it was written organically at a time when the team were all on the same page. I wrote the riffs and just threw it out there and everyone joined in. It's been fun playing them live.
It’s clear the media can focus on the wrong things at times, things that should not carry weight over the progression of someone’s music. Seeing bygones don’t matter, what message do you have for the diehard Blindspott fans? And what do you hope to bring in the next few years?
Come to a show. Then you will understand why these songs hold so much meaning to us. Tour life gets pretty crazy.
What’s your craziest or funniest tour moment you remember from back in the day?
MAAAATTTTEEE! This is the kinda question that gets me in trouble... For the record, I'm an adult now... Love my family.
We were trouble. Acting like Motley Crew in Oamaru ha ha ha! Man... I don't think I should answer this.
Kindness is a cool topic. What’s the kindest thing someone's ever done for you?
Held me when I was down.
I’m a strong disbeliever in bands trying to sound the same. You guys have had authentic content since day one. A word for upcoming artists and collaborators! What do you think truly helps you stay original?
Authenticity is the most important thing you can do as an artist. People will see through any masks you wear. Just be yourself and play whatever comes out that makes you feel good.
Live photos courtesy of Triebels Photography and Jenny Feaver.
Formed in 1997, Blindspott are one of New Zealand’s most successful rock/metal bands. Going straight to #1 upon release in 2002, their iconic debut self-titled album Blindspott sold multi-platinum in New Zealand and was released in Australia, South East Asia and Japan.
Their first hit single, Nil By Mouth was a success in 2001, gaining major airplay on TV and radio channels across the country. Following a number of hit songs, the emotionally charged anthem track Phlex reached No. 2 on the charts.
Blindspott were the first NZ band to have both their 1st and 2nd albums debut on the NZ Music charts at #1 and the first band in history to have album debut at #1 twice!