Auckland Rockers Dead Beat Boys fuse punk intensity with classic-rock riffs, all strung together in a show uncontainable by the stage. On the 1st of October they released their first and last album, be sure to check it out here. James had a few words to share with, read all about it below:
What NZ bands and musicians would you like to tour with, and
I mean, if we didn't pull pin on the band, I'd froth
to tour with Melanie!
Which one of your songs are you most proud of, and why?
Into The Night. It was also the one that surprised us. It was the last track we wrote as a band, it just came together so fuckin well. I just get so mad that we don't get another chance to play it live.
What is your favourite NZ venue, and why?
The ones that don't yell at us and get shitty for our loose shows and antics.
Have you got any tips for dealing with nerves before a gig?
Well MY go to is to have a few beers, but passing that advice onto others has backfired before, so just lean into the nerves.
How do you balance your music with other obligations; family, job etc?
It's about setting boundaries, but you also have push yourself to get shit started. So make sure your family/friends know that. Work can get fucked though.
Where do you get your inspiration to create music from?
My bandmates. We just bring small ideas or fuck around til we find something, then we just keep egging each other on until we come up with a song.
What has been your most memorable show to date?
Our last show. Sold out Whammy and ended up giving Covid to half of Auckland but God damn it was the best fuckin night.
What can you never leave home without?
Can't leave without calling John. I need his permission before I'm allowed to leave the house.
How did you come up with the name Dead Beat Boys?
Honestly, couldn't tell ya. I came up with it when I was 17 and couldn't bothered changing it.
Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians?
Just play gigs. Message bands you like, find other new bands, find the scene, fuckin hell just make your own scene. Go on tour, book your own gigs, its hard but you learn so much from each one.
Dead Beat Boys fuse punk intensity with classic-rock riffs, all strung together in a show uncontainable by the stage.