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Newsletter Issue #409: 02 Dec 2012

Our newsletters are sent out once a fortnight and are displayed here for archival purposes only. Some of the content will be outdated and some layout issues may be present in the translation from email to the web. We recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter for the best results!

Wishing you a musical Christmas!

As we come to the end of yet another year, I look back over 2012 with amazement.

This year was definitely the most challenging so far, with major upheavals and a complete life transformation taking place as we became parents for the first time. At times it's been a crazy roller-coaster of a ride, while at other times it's been as though we have jumped from a skyscraper and survived; and we wouldn't change any of it.

Every single day has been action packed and as our gorgeous girl, Eden, grows and learns more each and every day I've become more and more appreciative for all the outstanding work the members of the muzic.net.nz team complete on a daily basis.

This amazing group of people have completed 150 reviews, 62 interviews and taken photos which have made up to 86 new photo galleries. They have also assisted with keeping several aspects of the site up-to-date including the gig guide and artist pages, with all work completed voluntarily. If anyone deserves a mention, it is these awesome people:

Alistar Wickens, Aaron Smith, Sean McCarthy, Kerry Monaghan, Matt Gardner, Emma Ratuki, John Shearer, Amanda Ratcliffe, Janise Kumar, Annemarie Duff, Peter-James Dries, River Tucker, Kate McCarten and Terry McIntosh.

My husband, and the brains behind the IT side of muzic.net.nz, also deserves a special mention; for all those weekends when he looked after Eden while I worked on site updates and newsletters and for creating some brilliant new features for the site (which will be revealed next year).

There are others that also deserve a mention - the musicians and bands who have contributed towards our newsletters (including the 62 musicians and bands we featured) as well as those we have reviewed, interviewed, photographed, everyone that contributed towards our 35 tour and festival features and all the musicians and bands with artist listings. We'd also like to thank everyone who has given us their continued support and every organisation and company that promotes NZ music; you know who you are.

Most of all, we'd like to thank you, the members of muzic.net.nz (especially the 8000+ that receive this newsletter) - if it wasn't for you muzic.net.nz would not exist.

Next year marks 14 years of muzic.net.nz, and words cannot express how much we appreciate the support we have received since 1999. It is this amazing support which has cemented our place in the NZ music industry and with it we have the next 14 years to look forward to.

I look back over 2012 with amazement; amazement that we survived our first year as parents and amazement that muzic.net.nz is almost 14 years old.

The muzic.net.nz team would like to wish everyone a memorable Christmas and New Years. May you all have some NZ music in your Christmas stockings!

~ Lisa and the muzic.net.nz team.



With three albums and multiple EPs already in their catalogue, the Kiwi band with the French name have toured far flung venues from St Petersburg to the Czech Republic; storming The Crystal Method's DJ night in Los Angeles; playing the hotel where Tarantino wrote Pulp Fiction in Amsterdam; and headlining the Hanoi Festival in Vietnam.

It is with much expectation that Minuit are set to release their fourth full length album Last Night You Saw This Band on 21 December 2012 at 12:12am, followed by an album release show on 22 December 2012 at Dux Live in Christchurch. With a sound as addictive as it is distinctive – it's Minuit.

Ruth and Paul spoke to Peter about their music, strategies and influences, here's what they had to say:

First off, I’d like to say I’ve been a fan for the longest time. I bought The 88 the day after seeing the video for Menace on late night music television, and I’m one of those lucky few that bought The Guns EP on the first day.

Ruth: You rule

How would you describe Last Night You Saw This Band to someone that had never heard Minuit, (without using the word Tropical)?

Paul: Ahahaha – but tropical is a very good word to use! Songs that are crisp and percussive and lyrically juicy, like a pig on a roast for a midnight feast on a t******* island while downloading scarey movies on your wifi.

I read that Last Night You Saw This Band is being released independently. Has this posed any benefits or difficulties compared to releasing under a label?

Paul: Heaps more work bro! But that's cool, we get to release it on one of the craziest dates of the year, I don't think a label would have gone for that. We still have people who are distributing it, and others working the promo, and a bunch of good folks making kooky clips online. There's a lot of talk of adventure on this record, and releasing it yourself sure is that!

You’ve used different strategies for writing songs in the past; at times music first, other times, like with Fuji, lyrics first. I heard tell Last Night You Saw This Band was developed around Ruth’s dictaphone recordings from Rarotonga. Were recordings as difficult to make music around as Fuji proved to be?

Paul: It's cos you have unlimited ways to try songs out when they're written on computers. Lots of options can be counter productive. But what I liked about the dictaphone tapes was it allowed parts of songs to be juggled around and joined to parts that were completely different. Then a theme and a thread started running through. It gave Ryan and I a lot of scope musically. I think it's quite different for what people might expect from Minuit, and also from an 'electronic' act.

Did any of these dictaphone recordings make it into the final release, environmental artefacts and all?

Paul: Ha, yes...working in computers you're always searching for found sounds that aren't a preset or out of a box, to make your track unique and yes there'll be some things in the background from her demo's, mainly texture and quirky things. Actually that crackly vocal at the start of Ghost I'm pretty sure was straight off the tapes, and some stuff in What We Know. The kids singing in Islands were from a trip to Haiti that I did and recorded them. Hadn't meant to add them to a Minuit track, but it seemed to fit perfectly later on.

I remember someone bragging to me when Minuit were coming to Palmerston North, “I saw them in Nelson before they were big.” That was back in the day when Hugh Sundae predicted, correctly, on that Space music show that "these guys are going to be huge." Are you still the Minuit you were back then? In what ways do you feel you’ve progressed since those formative years?

Ruth: Did Hugh Sundae really say that? I had no idea. Well, hasn't that dude just moved to the top of my xmas card list! It is hard to know if we have progressed or regressed sometimes... All 3 of us have quite different music tastes, so it has always been a case of having songs that you win and lose with on the albums for each of us I think. We're obviously the same Minuit in the way that it is still us 3 faffing about which is cool, but we've probably changed in the way that we know what we are doing more. Actually, you know, now I think about it, we might know less what we are doing now. Hmmm, I don't think they should have let me answer this question.

Paul: She makes some good points

I’ve always seen Minuit as quite a political band. I remember accidentally taping Queer Nation after a late night movie, and being pleasantly surprised to find Species II was the theme song, and I read just recently Ruth versus the Skinheads. Not to mention the Occupy movement adopting your song Stories for Boys. What pertinent world issues have caught your attention of late?

Ruth: It's very cool to me that you think that, because I often feel like anything I am trying to say gets overwhelmed by most people believing that electronic or 'dance' music is only about drugs and waving your hands in the air. Like you just don't care. And I don't, so there. (They probably shouldn't've let me answer this one either...) BUT - ISSUES - Maui Dolphins, 55 adults left, I mean, come on - we gotta get this right!

Paul: Ha...one of the most misquoted songs of ours I think is Aotearoa, where a lot of people think it is patriotic and says “We are New Zealand”, whereas Ruth actually says, “We are a new Zealand”. Meaning it is up to the people who live here to make this country what it is going to be, we can choose what we get involved in. Big things (or more importantly) small things, you do what you gotta do.

Now that you’re no longer just a band from Nelson, or a band from New Zealand even, but a part of the New Zealand psyche, do you still hold any other bands as influences, or is it more about just being free and Minuit in this advanced stage of your development?

Ruth: Free and Minuit - Freeuit, if you will...

Paul: It's all about playing live. When you see an act play and you don't expect it, and it blows you away and actually moves you, thats awesome. And it doesnt happen all the time, sometimes not even always with the same act, but if the atmosphere is electric and bizarre, and next day you're all like, last night I saw this band! Thats what its about.

I remember listening to Find Me Before I Die A Lonely Death.com on the way down to Ladeda a few years back, and the excitement of seeing Minuit perform live. Where in New Zealand have you found the most receptive, amped, enthusiastic audiences?

Paul: Impossible to say. There have been so many crazy situations where people have been involved in Minuit, sometimes playing live, sometimes behind the scenes, seriously, it has been a privilege to see such hard out commitment to making a gig go off.

I have a vague recollection of an interview on television with Paul lamenting that the sound tech asked him to play a few notes on his keyboard and not quite getting the whole sampler thing. Have there been any recent ‘face-palm’ moments while doing the live Minuit thing?

Paul: Only when people think that because it's electronic you're just pressing play up there. You'd be surprised what goes on...

I know the album isn’t out yet, but provided the world doesn’t end the day you release Last Night You Saw This Band, what will be the next chapter in the story of Minuit?

Paul: The best way to make the gods laugh is to tell them your plans

Ruth: If it does end, thank you very much for liking our music. x x

Thanks Ruth and Paul for answering these questions.

Minuit is Ruth Carr (vocals), Paul Dodge and Ryan Beehre.

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Last Night You Saw This Band Album Review

Minuit Release Last Night You Saw This Band Press Release
Minuit - Stories for Boys (The Occupy Edit) Press Release


El Schlong

Avant-metal troubadours El Schlong are returning home in December for 4 summer shows. Thanks Leah for answering these questions:

What can we expect to see from El Schlong over the next year?

We are coming home to NZ to do four shows (Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin and Invercargill) and to hang out for summer. Our drummer has just had a child, so our "slowest world tour ever" is on hold until his baby is old enough to stuff into his cymbal bag. Hopefully we'll have a pile of new material ready to record by the end of next year, but it's slow going because of the commute (we are now living between New Zealand and Berlin).

What advice would you like to give to other aspiring musicians?

Don't mould your music to other people's definitions of what is good and what isn't. Just play it how it comes out and you will never get bored of it. Playing for other people has a shelf life.

How do you come up with your lyrics?

I wait until the song is fully written so I can feel how it is moving along, then I do a big free association rant and pick out any phrases that sound good and start from there. At first I ignore meaning and concentrate on bits that just sound good, like nice vowel or syllable combinations. A meaning eventually appears and you can start pulling and twisting it into shape from there. My biggest beef with lyrics is that most people try too hard to say something specific right from the start, and they miss the importance of how words and word fragments actually sound together. Meaning is a subjective thing, and lyrics should be poetry - not necessarily the abstract arty farty type, just word combinations that sound musical even without music.

Who would you most like to support live?

Tom Waits. It would be a bit of an odd mix of a gig, but I would love to hang around the refreshments table backstage and listen to that man speak.

How do you believe El Schlong fits into the NZ music industry?

I guess we're like the retarded younger cousin.

What can you never leave home without?

Clothes. That would be embarrassing.

How would you describe El Schlong’s music?

That's a tough one. Reviewers also have trouble with this as well and they've come up with a whole spectrum of different sub-genres to try and fit us in somewhere. We usually get called "something something metal with a something something something". We tend to just go with "avant-metal" as it covers a few bases. Either that or "a bit yelly".

What is your favourite NZ venue?

Refuel in Dunedin. Ah home!

What is the best part of being a musician?

Traveling the world with your best friends playing the music you love playing and meeting lots of good people along the way.

What rumour would you like to start about El Schlong?

That we are playing four NZ shows this summer and everyone's invited. Who knows when we will be back home again - it would be great to catch up with everyone, so come along and have a beer :)

El Schlong is Nick Baldwin (bass, vocals), Leah Hinton (guitar, vocals) and Jordan Tredray (drums, vocals).

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Muzic.net.nz Page
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NZ Tour Details on Facebook
Time/Place Album Review


Since 2005 Amos/Anon, brainchild of Peter-James Dries, have remained in obscurity, covertly planting their music around the country, hiding their albums and waiting patiently for unsuspecting victims to stumble upon it. The music, variously described as Progressive Doom Metal and Gothic Industrial, is dark, haunting and brooding.

Thanks Peter for answering these questions regarding the release of the new album Songs of a Tortured Soul.

What can you tell us about the new album?

During and after recording Darkness from Light I went throughwhat felt like a deep depression. The songs on Songs of a Tortured Soul are what came out of that dark patch. 

The same thing kinda happened with My Schizophrenic Acoustic, except with chronic insomniaI choose insomnia any day.

How would you describe the album?

Gritty. Acoustic. Dark. It gets darker as it progresses. It’s not the most professional sounding release. I spent less time making Songs of a Tortured Soul, mainly because I couldn’t physically or mentally bring myself to do anything other than throw myself into autopilot and try to smile my way through my job and relationships.  

In the end, it doesn’t matter if it sounds professional or not. I’m not a rockstar. I’m just a boy with a guitar, a laptop and a broken heart. That’s what the album sounds like. 

I don’t expect anyone to like it, or even listen to it. The catharsis comes from the release not the reception.

What bands influenced you on this album?

No one. I know that question is a way of using similar bands the reader already likes to provide an analogy for the sound of this album. I can’t help you with that. 

I’ve lost the joy of listening to music, especially considering the quality, thought-provoking, amazing music this world is producing. 

What’s next for the band?

Take it slowly I suppose. Distribute more copies of the DVD. Hide some more of the back catalogue around town. 

I’ve got some tracks for the next release I’m meant to be working on. It’s another rock / metal affair, with some female backing vocals this time. But, I just don’t have it in me to finish them right now. Songs of a Tortured Soul, took a lot out of me. 

I’m getting better. I’ll get there.

Amos/Anon is
Peter-James Dries (music, media) and Marque Duckmanton (vocals, lyrics).

Website Links

Muzic.net.nz Page
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Youtube Page

AmosAnon DVD Review
Darkness From Light Album Review

The New Brides

The New Brides have reached #1 on the International Indie Charts with their hit song Record; Now they need your help to reach #1 on theaudience.co.nz to receive funding for their next video. All you need to do is Click Here To Vote!  

Record is the first track of their debut studio release; a 5 track EP recorded at STL Audio and mastered at Masterdisk in New York. The EP is available for streaming and download at http://music.thenewbrides.com.

Along with the upcoming release of their EP on CD and an upcoming video, The New Brides have also achieved:

- Number #1 on the International Independent Charts for 2 weeks.
Interview in Chelsea Monthly UK Magazine.
- Radio play on B1-FM in Brazil!

Thanks to the band for answering these questions:

What will The New Brides’ next release be?

At the moment we’re riding on our release in the independent charts. We we’re approached by a guy from the UK who liked our stuff, we put forward Record and it hit No.1 in 3 days, we we’re pretty pleased with that, next we’re going with a lovely little number Angel Wings. If Record was for the boys then this one is for the girls - its a slow burner but a real catchy one.

How do you come up with your lyrics?

Alot of the lyrics are narrative, usually a story line or scenario, they come from things which have happened. Alot of the time they can be a mixture of more than one time or more than one person, just taking inspiration from what we know.

How do you believe The New Brides fit into the NZ music industry?

Tight, we fit in tight, like tetris blocks, we’ll fit in up the top somewhere, there's plenty of room for all the bands though, we’re all adults I’m sure we can work something out.

How would you describe The New Brides’ music?

Fast but slow.

What is your favourite NZ venue?

Well, we’ve played all around Wellington, hitting San Francisco Bathhouse, Mighty Mighty, places like that.

We have held a weekly spot at a pool hall in town also, maybe that’s our favourite, Fast Eddies, we feel at home there, it’s a bit of a base for us, for a bigger show though it would be Mighty, they look after you there, and the sound is always great.

What is the best part of being a musician?

I’d say it’s about expression. We have our music, an extension of what we do and we’re lucky to be able to express those ideas in music. I don’t think any of us could imagine our lives without the music.

What is your most embarrassing on tour/gig moment?

So far so good, we’ve not had anything really bad happen, most of our antics happen off stage so with some clever make up and lighting we look in pretty good shape when we play.

What is your favourite place in NZ to be?

Wellington, Wellington, Wellington & Palmerston North! :)

What inspired you to start The New Brides?

The Beatles.

How did you come up with the name The New Brides?

Well, in case any of our listeners have not already worked this out we are not actually eligible to be ‘brides’ in the traditional sense of the word. The name came from our admiration and respect for ladies of the night. The term New Brides has now become part of our collective band language.

How do you keep in contact with your fans?

We do the usual stuff, facebookbandcamp, so the best way to stay in the loop is to like our facebook page. Everyone we know knows what we’re up to, our support network is growing and we have people helping us out with all sorts of projects and ideas, they’re the best fans!

Website Links

Muzic.net.nz Page
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Facebook Page 
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Bandcamp Page

The New Brides EP Review

NZ Music News

Folk Tui Finalists Announced

Auckland artists have taken two of the three finals berths for New Zealand’s Best Folk Album of 2013.

Auckland-based solo artist Brenda Liddiard and alt-country group Great North join Wellington-based duo French For Rabbits in the line-up, announced today by the Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ).

RIANZ managing director Chris Caddick says he is highly impressed with this year’s line-up.

“All three finalists have recorded great albums that really do the folk genre proud. Once again the finalists have set the judges an unenviable task in picking a winner. Sincere congratulations to each of them.”

The Tui for the Best Folk Album 2013 is being presented at the 40th annual Auckland Folk Festival in Kumeu (West Auckland) following the ‘Tui Finalists Concert’ on the evening of 27 January, 2013.

Full Article

Parachute Festival Second Announcement

Parachute Music has announced the rest of the line-up for Parachute Festival 2013, featuring the cream of the local crop as well as a few international surprises, including:

Zac Farro (ex-Paramore) - HALF NOISE

When drummer Zac Farro split from alt-rockers Paramore, he thought he’d never make music again. After a cathartic break, he gathered some friends and started jamming – what resulted was a sweeping work of indie genius; the ambient atmospheres of Sigur Ros and Bon Iver mixed with the organic rhythms of Paper Route.

Other internationals joining the lineup are South African reggae outfit The Prophets, U.S gospel quartet Light of Love and Singapore Indie rockers Busco.

Parachute Festival 2013 will take place at Mystery Creek, 25-27th January. The festival headliners include Switchfoot, Hillsong United, Newsboys, Family Force Five, Lecrae, Evermore and Oh, Sleeper.

Full Article

Tuborg Sounds On Festival

Tuborg Sounds On – The Oval
(formerly Summer Sunday) returns in 2013 on the new date of Saturday 23rd March at The Oval, North Harbour Stadium, North Shore City.

The festival features a sweltering lineup at a game-changing price:

The Black Seeds, Home Brew, Katchafire, David Dallas, TrinityRoots, AHoriBuzz, Tahuna Breaks, Tiki Taane (Acoustic Set), Dan Aux & Tali, DJ Sir-Vere ft. Che Fu, PNC & K.One, Kong Fooey ft. Maitreya.

Earlybird tickets are a sizzling $45 (cost includes travel on event buses and trains, booking fee, RFID wristbands and free Tuborg Sounds On sampler download) available exclusively from GrabOne for 7 days from Monday 26th November.

Carefully curated, the event brings together a raft of Aotearoa’s favourite acts – from the well established and respected, to the trailblazing and burgeoning.

Full Article

Catlins River Festival Announcement

After a fantastic inaugural party, Catlins River Festival is back for Easter 2013. This two-day event is designed to celebrate the unique environment of the area set to a soundtrack of awesome – and predominantly local - live music. There’s a huge number of the acts set to play over the weekend hailing from Dunedin, Central Otago and Invercargill.

Easter is a wee way away, but CRF is giving everyone a date to look forward to before the winter months fully set in.

There is a MASSIVE line up, featuring many artists who have been very busy this year. The Nudge headed to Bali where they held a residency for 2 months, attended the APRA Silver scrolls where they played their rendition of Stephanie Brown’s 2012 winning song “Everything to Me”, and have recently announced a trans-Tasman tour schedule with Kora. Organikismness and Soulware are back from Australia performing at Eclipse Festival (alongside the likes of Freq Nasty, The Raconteurs and Fat Freddies Drop to name a few). Soulware was nominated for break through act of 2012 and organikismness was nominated for best electronic album of 2012 at the VNZMA. Left or Right have also recently just completed an Australian tour after yet another successful national tour of their sophomore album “Buzzy”. To complete the list of international touring artists The Julian Temple Band's lead man (Julian) jet-setted from Dunedin to Sydney to the USA in the space of 48 hours, playing 3 shows along the way. Budspells have dropped their masterpiece, SOUNDBOY KINGDOM which was recorded all over the globe in NZ, Australia, and the UK. You can hear the inspirations flowing through their music, from Lee Scratch Perry to J Dilla.

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Kimbra Wins Best Female At The 2012 ARIA Awards

Warner Music New Zealand congratulates Kimbra for winning the Best Female award at the 2012 ARIA Awards held at the Sydney Opera House last night.

The award is the second consecutive win for Kimbra, who also won the Best Female award last year at the 2011 ARIA Awards.

"This means a lot to me. What a whirlwind year it has been and what way to top it off," said the 22-year-old who later that nightwowed the audience with a stunning live performance of her single, ‘Settle Down’.

Kimbra was presented the award by funny-man Russell Brand.

It’s been a stellar year for Kimbra, whose Platinum album VOWS debuted at #3 on the New Zealand Top 40 albumchart and #14 on the US Billboard Top 200 chart. Her collaboration withGotye for the hit single ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’, has seen her top the chart in 18 countries, including New Zealand, Australia, UK, Germany, Belgium, the US and the Netherlands.

Earlier this month she also picked up five awards at the 2012 New Zealand Music Awards taking out awards for Album of the Year; Best Female Solo Artist; Breakthrough Artist Of The Year; The Edge Best Pop Album and the International Achievement Award.

Full Article

George FM Yearbook Back for a Third Year

The George FM Yearbook
album is back for the third year, taking the biggest and best tracks from the class of 2012 off the airwaves and into one knockout collection, available from 30 November.

Mixed by DJ Dan Aux, host of The George Selectah, the George FM Yearbook 2012 bounces between the best local and international tunes.

“I approached this mix the same way I would my daily radio show, that is to give the listeners an upbeat, entertaining andgenre bending mix of all their favourite dance tracks ready to rock your car-home-stereo-ipod-microwave-oven.

I’m really proud of all of the selections on this album and especially the VIP treats that come with it!” says Dan.

The album is saturated with some of the year’s biggest club tunes from leading international artists including Martin Solveig, Major Lazer, DeadMau5, as well as Dr Don Don’s ‘Everybody’ receiving the remix treatment from Dan Aux and P Money.

Full Article

Deadboy Records Proudly Welcomes Prowler

Prowler formed in early 2011 from the ashes of such bands as Dole Day Rage, Ghost Echoes and Wolves Of Night.

Collectively, Prowler brings to the table a wide range of influences from their previous bands with an in-your-face aggressive and emotive, rock n roll style of punk rock in the vein of such bands as The Bronx and Fucked up.

In the space of one year the Auckland 5 piece has already managed to release a debut 3 track EP recorded by Dave Hine at Auckland’s ‘The Dank’ (Missing Teeth, The Murderchord, Leeches) which received rave reviews and plays on Auckland’s 95bfm radio station.

Prowler pride themselves on their energetic live show and have worked their asses off touring around the North Island playing with such bands as Shitripper, The Outsiders, The Murderchord and Leeches as well as supporting Melbourne’s The Tearaways on their 2012 NZ visit.

Full Article

Waikato Music Expo April 2013

After the successful inaugural event earlier this year, the Waikato Music Expo is set to return on April 27-28th, 2013. Organised by the Hamilton Live Music Trust, the Waikato Music Expo is a one-of-a-kind music event with something for everyone - from children learning their first music instrument right through to professional musicians and industry professionals.

The event is designed to promote and engage the public on all aspects of New Zealand’s music industry. The Waikato Music Expo is the only one of its kind in the country, based on several overseas models for music trade and exhibition shows. It features music/instruments suppliers, gear distributers and producers, professional audio, sound and lighting companies, NZ music industry groups, music groups/organisations, audio software, music education, vinyl traders, workshops and much more. The event also offers a great opportunity for exhibitors and attendees to establish connections and network.

“We wanted to encourage people to discover the amazing wealth of music products, distributors and services we have right here in New Zealand. We hope to encourage music makers of all ages to pursue their musical goals as well as building knowledge about the NZ music industry.” says co-organiser Lauren K. Bell.

Full Article

The latest NZ music news can be read here


New Release, Tour and Gig Announcements

Luke Casey Lets down his 'Holiday Hair'

Auckland Band Mile High Release New Video

Titanium To Release Debut Album - All For You - On December 7

The Black Seeds Release Dust And Dirt: The Deluxe Edition

Alastair Riddell Releases New Single

Get Your Riot Face On for Amnesty International

Alizarin Lizard Double Singles Release Tour

Garbage announce NZ tour February 2013!

Fleur Jack and Katie Thompson on Tour

US Rapper B.o.B Returns To NZ For One Show "Play"

Santana And The Steve Miller Band Announce Two NZ Shows!

The Stone Roses NZ Tour

The Godfather Of Ethio-Jazz Mulatu Astatke Returns To The Powerstation Stage

King Cannons Announce Auckland Gig

Robert Plant Announces Two New Zealand Shows!

NZ Music News
Gig and Tour News
Artist News



Muzic.net.nz News

New Artists

The following musicians have been added to the muzic.net.nz website during the last fortnight:

PCP Eagles Prowler
The Anorak Allan Kilgour


Add yourself or your band to muzic.net.nz!
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Check out our latest reviews at the links below:

Decortica - 11811 Album Review

Minuit - Last Night You Saw This Band Album Review

Young Lyre - Night Swimming EP Review

Cobra Khan EP Review

Cephalopod - Materialization Album Review

Bloodspray for Politics - Blood And Night EP Review

Needless Cane - Hemlock Lemonade Single Video Review

Cairo Knife Fight Live @ Mighty Mighty, 23/11/12

Evil Mule - Remnants of a Lost Science Album Review

Ninja Monkey - Anger Management EP Review

The Wendy Morris Band - Entangled Album Review

Junica - The Celebration Album Review

Needless Cane Interview

As well as reviewing the new video for 'Hemlock Lemonade', Aaron also asked Needless Cane some questions. You can read the full interview here.

You can read every single interview and review in our Articles Page.

Decortica and Cairo Knife Fight Gig Photos

Thanks to Alistar for taking these photos of Decortica and Cairo Knife Fight at Mighty Mighty, Wellington on 23 November 2012:


Cairo Knife Fight

Beyond The Black Competition - Ticket Giveaway

Beyond The Black is the number one place for Metal fans to be on New Year's Eve! Featuring a huge lineup including El Schlong, DIC, Vixen Execution, Amachine, Horrendous Disfigurement and much more! Enter now for a chance to win a double pass.

Tour Features

Every feature we have ever had on the site can be viewed here


About muzic.net.nz newsletters


This is the final muzic.net.nz newsletter for 2012.
Our first 2013 newsletter will go out on Sunday 3 February 2013.

Muzic.net.nz newsletters are currently sent out to over 8000 members!

Our newsletter archives are one of the most accessed areas on the site.

If you would like to advertise in our newsletter and/or gig mail out, email Lisa.

The next muzic.net.nz gig mail out is going out on Sunday 9 December.

- The muzic.net.nz team

NZ Top 10 Singles

  • APT.
    ROSÉ And Bruno Mars
    Lady Gaga And Bruno Mars
    Billie Eilish
    Sabrina Carpenter
    Gracie Abrams
    Sabrina Carpenter
    Gigi Perez
    Teddy Swims
    Chappell Roan
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