‘Creative differences’ are the dreaded words every fan hopes never to hear about their beloved bands. They are the terms for the official split of a band. A polite way of announcing that band members got hacked off at each other and egos got the better of the music. Minuit had some ‘creative differences.’ But Ruth Carr, Paul Dodge and Ryan Beehre created a brilliant EP, Dance Music Will Tear Us Apart out of it. This is a super-charged, dance-tripping mix of tracks that contains everything good about dance music, and none of the migraine-inducing additives.
Dance Music Will Tear Us Apart contains a fascinating concept. Minuit are driven by ‘creative differences’ and instead of limiting themselves like so many artists end up doing, they embrace the freedom, the choice and the multiplicity that can emerge from differences in opinion and style. Carr takes a step back on this EP, with her lyrics being taken and mastered by Beehre and Dodge who take centre-stage and demonstrate their own individual styles of recording. Basically, this six-track recording contains half the tracks produced by Gimme A C! and the other half by Funknslocuts. What could possibly have been a complete botching of two eclectic styles, works inspiringly well. Instead of a tug of war, Dance Music Will Tear Us Apart is a celebration of diversity and being able to do what you want to do; what you choose to do.
Gimme A C! brings to the table the tracks ‘Stop Dancing,’ Queen Of The Flies’ and ‘Aries.' These tracks contain agitated beats. He brings out the edgier side to Carr’s vocals and lyrics and builds an acerbic feeling within these songs. Funknslocuts produces ‘Out of luck,’ ‘Suicide Bridge’ and ‘Of Regrets.’ There is a more popping energy within his tracks with a very dance-mod, trance club atmosphere. In its totality the two producers bring together many facets of the very broad genre that is known as “dance.” With Carr’s lyrics and vocals topping the tracks off, everything Beehre and Dodge touch is golden.
Dance Music Will Tear Us Apart is an EP that has the punch of an entire album. This EP proves each member of Minuit’s own levels of high creativity, and the trio work together to pull their powers in to create their super dance force that easily has every listener grooving on their feet. Minuit have as usual provided a record that is the highest level of craftsmanship. Each of the six tracks has its own brilliance that need only be played on the best quality speakers and only at the maximum volume.
Minuit has a heart. And it beats loud. Real loud.
Having toured their synths and samplers from Hanoi to Helsinki on the live circuit for over a decade, this trio have crafted their own energetic sound – and it's refreshingly different.
Out front, the enigmatic Ruth Carr mixes sinister with salvation in a jubilant cascade of lyrics, while bandmates Ryan Beehre and Paul Dodge forge their rib-rattling, hip-shaking beats around her.