This is the debut
single from Christchurch-based rock group Electric Temples, and the thing which
impresses me most right from the off is the use of space. When a band starts,
it is easy to throw the kitchen sink into a recording instead of understanding
that often less is more, yet here we are provided with music in waves so there
is plenty of contrast. They have a hard rock base, and often bring in Southern
elements, yet also have plenty of restraint so even though it starts with
riffing twin guitars and a blasting rhythm section, by the time they get to the
verse everything has slowed right down. The drums are the busiest, the bass laid-back
and just one gentle guitar, with the other noodling over the top as David Rea
sings gently.
When they get to the chorus it all opens up somewhat, with the guys all coming together with a groove and David providing more edge before the second verse brings us back down again. They bring it to us again with the second verse and then go into the bridge with Kaelen and Isaac providing some twin guitars, there is a short bass line from Shannyn with Andre just playing some hi-hat, then we get vocals and gradually the menace comes in and we are off again. This time around the guitars are allowed to let rip with a blistering solo, and it feels that the band have been building to this climax throughout yet have been holding back until the end. It will be interesting to hear what this sounds like live as I expect it to be way more brutal. For a debut, this shows great promise and I look forward to hearing more.
Electric Temples are a Hard Rock 5-piece band based in the heart of Christchurch. ET Formed in 2019 and have been slamming out the riffs ever since.