One never knows what quite to expect
from Anderson Rocio, as she keeps changing her style, so while one can always
be guaranteed a wonderful vocal performance and nice melodies, how will they be
presented? I have seen her perform sitting at a grand piano accompanying
herself, while her last EP was far more rock based, and now here we find her on
another journey. With You, The Sea and I she is taking with an accompaniment which for the
most part is a picked acoustic guitar and a few well-placed notes on the piano
to add the nuances. This is a very personal song, and one feels we are being
let into a very personal space.
Gentle orchestration and some percussion comes in for the chorus, but the simple arrangement and delicate harmonies allow us to concentrate on the words and emotions from Anderson who takes this gently with no rush, as we fall into her world. When music is as stripped back as this there is no room for the artist to hide, with a very slight reverb on her voice the only production trickery in sight. It is one I recommend playing on headphones, if possible, as I have, as there is a depth here which only really comes to light when is fully immersed in the experience. Yet another delightful release from Anderson.