The Facebook page of Jethro Clarke shows a decent handful of releases over the last couple of years, and the video for latest single Human On shows an artist confident and assured with what they're doing.
A lightly fuzzed guitar riff introduces the track, underscoring a black and white display of retro technology, a Jethro Clarke vinyl LP being selected for playing on a gorgeous old radiogram, before a shot of a mound of cathode ray rube TVs. A laid-back rhythm kicks in, with some nice full acoustic guitar tracks gently pushing the fuzz guitar a little into the background... but not so much that this track doesn't have a nice rock edge to it.
The smooth yet strong vocals come in with a visual of being delivered from a smartphone screen, in a sudden juxtaposition of technologies. The technology theme continues down a somewhat darker path, with deliberate and direct references to both The Matrix and I, Robot.
The message of the song is an urge to stay human in a world that is becoming more and more infused with, and manipulated by, ever advancing cyber systems. A song encouraging hope and love, almost as acts of rebellion, against a bleak outlook of sinister machines in control.
The music and video are both well produced and polished, and I especially like the vocal harmonies kicking in on the nicely big-sounding chorus. This is a positive and upbeat song, with a good solid groove. Nice work.
Auckland based solo artist.