she sells seashells for the pleasure that it gets to see the yuppies waste their cash upon the rubbish of the gifted
what a stunning compilation based on cutting edge pretension
and meanwhile back in TV land the arbiters of taste review the minutes of the metting on the habits of the nation
and for our hero the time has come
and they will say you are the only one.
and they will say that your time has come.
theres a moment when you wake up and you smell the bullshit brewing and you know it and you feel it there's a revelation coming
jesus christ almight who is pissing on my chips today
and all the way through latte land the predators of style prick their ears and their fears to the way the wind blows
schooled in elocution and stylish persecution.
she sell seashells for the pleasure that it gets to see the yuppies piss their cash away on edited highlights
and they will say you are the only one
and they will say that your time has come
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