The Powers That Be
the powers that be gathered around.
its time to choose who takes the blame.
did they threaten our tidy world? did they fall away?
the powers that be gathered round.
this time they choose who takes the fall.
how did they fall so far from the tree?
over and over and overflow.
we had to lie to protect our father.
we had to lie to remain in our way.
we had to lie to defend our secret.
we had to lie to ourselves.
conspiracy theory wont get very far.
lyings what brought us here, lying will not change this
lyings what brought us here, lie upon lie upon lie
when you lie, you look me in the eye, look me in the eye.
lyings what brought us here, lying to save your soul
lyings what brought us here, lie upon lie upon
over and over and overflow.
we had to lie to protect our father.
we had to lie to remain in our way.
we had to lie to defend our secret.
we had to lie to ourselves.
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