I'm A Fan Of The Fantail
I ate a candied blue bra for breakfast
Looked like blueberries
Tasted like cotton candy
I’m invisible
Until someone jumps the fence
That’s when the soul catchers can get you
I’m always at a festival
But never see the band
Take a ride
In an igloo covered truck
Look out for the pipers
They have right of way
There’s enough food for everyone
You just need to know where to look
Beware of toads turning into serpents
Of blue, red, green and gold
That little giant told me your real name
You know, the one with the striped jumper
And tousled hair
Walls echo as I walk
My thoughts rattle as I talk
I’m a fan of the fantail
I'm a FAN of the FANTAIL
All lyrics are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Lyrics are subject to all international copyright laws and remain the property of their respective owners.