We make songs and soundscapes.
We like, we like to party.
We believe that Paul is a lizard and his penis is actually his tail.
We dislike stoats, but do not mind the aardvark so much.
We are actually Kevin Costner cut into five pieces, and with our powers combined we make shit movies. Aside from Waterworld which is a masterpiece.......
We believe Kevin Costner is the only constant in the ever-changing landscape of our lives.
Debut album 'Harold' Available now from www.dunedinmusic.com store or iTunes store. Or else contact us!
Well how can I satiate my immense appetite for everything that is Biff in the meantime? I hear you gasping through collapsed lung. Biff Merchants are currently on sabbatical/hiatus.
hugs and coitus
Band Members:
Michael Straight (bass, crywanking)
Michael Cathro (guitar, synths, vocals, yiddish)
Andrew Straight (guitar, vocals, fungi hunting)
Ben Sargeant (drums, percussion, falling down)
Paul Cathro (guitar, percussion, gyration)
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