19 March 2020 - 0 Comments
Eccles Entertainment and Th' Dudes reluctantly announce the postponement of Th' Bliss Tour due to start in Hamilton on 9 April.
Details on the new show dates will be released in the coming weeks, but in the meantime ticket holders should hold on to their tickets as they will remain valid for the new shows.
Promoter Brent Eccles says “In the current circumstance the shows just can’t go ahead as planned. It’s a difficult time for everyone but we've got to put health first, take advice from the government and we'll be back later this year when it's safe for everyone to enjoy getting together for a great show."
“We’re pretty sad not to be seeing you around Aotearoa next month," says Dave Dobbyn. 'But we’ll be back with the same reunion, same songs, same Lez high kicks. And all with a greater sense of being alive & healthy."
"Meantime, safer communities together people!"
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