24 October 2008 - 1 Comment
The Recording Industry Association of New Zealand welcomes the announcement by Associate Minister of Commerce, Judith Tizard that recent amendments to copyright legislation will soon come into force.
These new copyright provisions provide in the most part a very important and necessary updating of our copyright law to ensure that it keeps up to speed with a rapidly changing and developing digital environment. These amendments provide some certainty for both copyright creators and users.
While the music industry develops new business models and works to offer consumers a host of legitimate digital services, the innovation cannot thrive in a world where 95 per cent of all music downloaded is downloaded illegally and generates no return for artists or producers. Only one in every 20 downloaded tracks is downloaded legitimately and more than 20 billion tracks are downloaded illegally every year.
Peer-to-Peer file sharing via internet services accounts for the bulk of the problem and constitutes up to 80 per cent of the traffic on Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks worldwide.
ISP co-operation, in the form of proactive steps to encourage legal use and deter copyright infringement on their networks, will have a very significant impact on the problem. A “graduated response” system is a sensible, proportionate way of addressing the issue and will help to create the right environment for the creation and use of digital content.
RIANZ therefore welcomes the upcoming implementation of Section 92A in particular. It requires ISPs to have, and reasonably implement, a policy for termination of accounts of repeat copyright infringers in appropriate circumstances and is a reasonable and necessary legislative directive.
The Section sends a clear message to ISPs and rights holders that they need to co-operate to reach agreement as to the content of such policies and to how Section 92A’s requirements can be effectively implemented.
RIANZ welcomes this directive and the opportunity to work with ISPs to achieve this result.
The Recording Industry Association of New Zealand Inc (RIANZ) is a non-profit organisation representing major and independent record producers, distributors and recording artists throughout New Zealand.
RIANZ works to protect the rights and interests of a broad spectrum of creative people involved in the New Zealand recording industry.
RIANZ acts as an advocate for the recording industry. One of our principal objectives is to promote and strengthen the legal rights of all member companies and their recording artists, by lobbying government for the introduction and improvement of effective rights legislation. We can provide comprehensive information regarding all aspects of the recording industry. We are a helpful resource to find out about copyright issues, anti-piracy and how they affect you as the creator or producer of sound recordings or as a user of recorded music.
Thanks to www.rianz.org.nz for this story.
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