24 February 2023 - 0 Comments
producer and man behind New Zealand's dark rock act Black Velvet Butterfly,
James Castady-Kristament says. "I remembered the chorus melody for
Weirdo from a dream". "I dream about melodies every now and then,
but this is the first and only one I've remembered after waking up".
"After playing with glossolalia and general nonsensical noises I came
across syllables that sounded a bit like I'm a weirdo. After that, the chorus
melody and lyric almost suggested the other parts of the song"
Weirdo is very different to the rest of the songs from Black Velvet
Butterfly and in a lot of ways It's influenced by the music James was
writing for his other music project Dumb Dumb Head. Which is
Grunge/Indie/Alternative. A kind of accidental mix of his
musical paint brush.
"I figured since the song was about being a misfit it was kind of
befitting that the song itself was a misfit to the rest of the catalogue"
Besides being an addictive little earworm the song emphasises movement with the
contrast of the static verse and descending pre-chorus. It
really draws you in with musical tension in the verses preparing the
listener for an uplifting and very sweet release in the
chorus. There's really nice juxtaposition between the sharp edgy
"feed back" guitar riffs and the smooth harmonised vocals.
Weirdo is full of musical shades and contrasting elements and showcases James'
ever strengthening song writing abilities.
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