There are two ways to write this review. One way is looking at the record from Phil's vast and impressive career as the worlds most acclaimed 4/4 drummer, while being wowed by his self indulgent lifestyle. The other is looking at this record on it's own merits. And to be fair to the hundreds of solid NZ rock bands out there, this record sucks. If you or I released this record we would be laughed at. The production is less then average for someone with more money sense. The song writing is clearly written from a drummers perspective, and it sounds worse than a parody of what this record should have been.
I am not taking away from the abilities of the musicians. They can play but nothing is challenged on this record. It's all safe territory for these cheddar rockers. Boring as fuck. Song fades, regurgitated structures, not to mention there are some strange volume swells on the record.
All in all this record sounds like 65 year old teenagers. And that is enough for me not recommend this record. It's shabby, flabby and fucking boring. I would have thought after his twenty years of jet setting and being a legend (in his own words), he would have come up with something less than plain. I'd be surprised if it even makes it to The Rock's playlist.
I'd love to hear the singer give it a whirl on his own, he briefly touches on some Soundgarden stylisms, which is nice but once again the crappy double tracking doesn't go far.
Most disappointing record of the month. Phil Rudd is clearly his own biggest fan. What a tosser. If you want to hear some good straight Kiwi rock listen to Mind Riot or Stonehurst.