09 May 2013 - 0 Comments
AIM: To get as many different people as possible (from anywhere in the world) to make a video of just one line of the song.
The best ones will be montaged together to create the music video & the finished product will be put up on You-tube for free download & distribution.
Humour, cleanliness, the unexpected & having fun are the key elements.
In more detail:
This is an original song and performed and recorded in a Whangarei studio then remixed in Auckland.
The genre is folk-punk and the song is funny/amusing with a serious message at the end and the hook is a very catchy chorus.
The proposed plan is as follows:
1. Release the song on I-Tunes, Spotify, Amplifier for downloads as inexpensive as possible. (Done)
2. Requests will go out for videos (must be family friendly) for people to film any 1 line from the song (video camera/cellphone/etc). Lyrics will be downloadable from the Face-Book Page.
3. Ideally, I am looking for amusing and unexpected shots... with no harm to come to animals or people, so thinking outside the square will be needed.
Closing Dates for submissions will be advised later on Facebook Page.
Photo’s of bearded people are also needed (male or female – I’m not sexist) for the back-cover of the CD for people to download this later.
Q : So where did the song come from?
J : For me, it all started out as “just one of those days” (in fact that was the original working title for this song) when everything that could go wrong did.
I was feeling sorry for myself (as you do) and was just wondering how bad the day was going to get.
Q : And the lyrics describe your day?
J : No (smiles), the lyrics were more like an answer to my question, and they came with the tune and everything . . .
Q : So you then composed the tune . . .?
J : Again, sadly, “No”, my strengths do not include that particular talent, so I went to a friend in Whangarei (Rodney Morton) & he took care of that for me.
Q : It sounds very 80’s-ish, was that deliberate?
J : Yeah, we recorded the song on an old 8-track, to give it that original ‘garage-band’ sound and then tweaked it in Jesse Wilde’s recording studio in Auckland.
Q : So what’s next?
J : For a start, the song is now on iTunes, Spotify & Amplifier for download. I now have a Face-Book page and am working on a YouTube music video . . .
Actually, that’s something I hope your audience could help me with . . . “Wanna be in a music video?”
If you like the single, please like the Face-Book page: www.facebook.com/NoTimeForAShave
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/nz/album/no-time-for-a-shave-single/id637996630?uo=4
Amplifier – http://www.amplifier.co.nz/release/97290/no-time-for-a-shave-single.html
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