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ultimate metal

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:52 pm
thats the biggest problem with the free speech theory
your allowe to give an opinion about sumthin u dont like then someone can disagree with thjat then you can disagree with them
its like how people defend the destiny church they are stating their opinion we should allow that but we can oppose them as thats our right
its a dead end
confused? coz i sure as hell am

mrs delonge

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:08 pm
but honestly guys, isnt making fun of stupid music fun, and doesn't it give you a sense of relief that the music you listen to is far better, and give your opinion on why its better. i mean i'd be pissed if people just came along and said my music was "gay" and not gave a reason for why they feel that way.


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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:00 am
heheh, but some of us here have a thousand reasons why hip hop is gay..

Thomas J Cynic

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:31 am
hip hop sucks

1. it steals liberally from good music- reason: theft

2. it steals liberally from bad music- Reason: bad taste

3. it is generally in a monotone- reason: it lacks one of the fundamentals of good singing, Melody.

4. it is often racsist and sexist in its outlook, just because it isn't whitey doing it reverse rascism is rascism.- reason KKK by any other name...

5. kiwi kids pretending to know what it is like to live in 'the hood' WTF does malo luafutu know about living in the south side of LA? less than the cynic.

6. their videos are made by the same small group of people. as a result it all looks the same.

7. Ciara is a skank. For once it is not a good thing.

8. MC OJ and the rhythm slave were the single worst act ever to come from NZ

9. Dick Frizell is not much better either. Hip hop sets up generational mediocracy.

10. It must be rascist when it doesn't let a white man like Michael Jackson have a piece of the pie.

more to follow...

ultimate metal

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:35 am
i agree it also encourages hate and an strong anti intellligence stand

its all good to feel descriminated because your black but can you not lash out at white people who dare to look near you

i think its whats fucking up our country look at how many dumb fucks we now have
apparently its cool to be a crim and a braindead dickhead maybe thats why my school hates me
and stop this whole we are a poor minority were victimised by the police(not a generalisation by the way)
heres an idea stop being a burden on society and grow the fuck up you dumb asses


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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:42 am
Interesting points...

1.Good on it... motown, blues, early soul was on to a good thing, bring it back in whatever way shape or form you can I say... sample, sample, sample

2. Is essentially just a idiotic point

3. Only someone who doesn't understand percussion would think rapping's in monotone... are the fundamentals of good singing not being able to hit the correct note? Wouldn't melody be the fundamental to making a good tune? Since when was rapping considered singing?

4. Music's an expression of opinion, belief, lifestyle etc. So what if it's racist or sexist or whatever... it can be what it wants to be.

5. Do I sense some sort of vendetta against scribble?

6. Good videos though aren't they.

7. ????

8. I would argue 8 foot sativa, but that's a matter of opinion as I have no idea what they're saying or what jey they're trying to play in

9. How does hip hop set up generational mediocracy? Would generational mediocracy not be set up by a political system, poor schooling or perhaps communism? Just cause there are plenty of little white boys wearing bball singlets and trying to act hard... can't blame hip hop... perhaps it's the whitey's fault for having bugger all culture... that's coming from a whitey too.

10. One would argue that MJ's had all the cake he can eat.

And a question to you cynic... if hip hop 'sucks' in your eyes, what then is your taste in music? What or who do you believe is forwarding music's cause? 'Keeping it real' etc. I'm interested.

ultimate metal

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:47 am
only someone who has no idea about drumming or instrumental talent wouldnt understand 8 foot sativa

ultimate metal

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:48 am
oh yeah hip hop uses basic drum sequences usually generated by a computer

Thomas J Cynic

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:28 pm


1.Good on it... motown, blues, early soul was on to a good thing, bring it back in whatever way shape or form you can I say... sample, sample, sample

2. Is essentially just a idiotic point

3. Only someone who doesn't understand percussion would think rapping's in monotone... are the fundamentals of good singing not being able to hit the correct note? Wouldn't melody be the fundamental to making a good tune? Since when was rapping considered singing?

4. Music's an expression of opinion, belief, lifestyle etc. So what if it's racist or sexist or whatever... it can be what it wants to be.

5. Do I sense some sort of vendetta against scribble?

6. Good videos though aren't they.

7. ????

8. I would argue 8 foot sativa, but that's a matter of opinion as I have no idea what they're saying or what jey they're trying to play in

9. How does hip hop set up generational mediocracy? Would generational mediocracy not be set up by a political system, poor schooling or perhaps communism? Just cause there are plenty of little white boys wearing bball singlets and trying to act hard... can't blame hip hop... perhaps it's the whitey's fault for having bugger all culture... that's coming from a whitey too.

10. One would argue that MJ's had all the cake he can eat.

And a question to you cynic... if hip hop 'sucks' in your eyes, what then is your taste in music? What or who do you believe is forwarding music's cause? 'Keeping it real' etc. I'm interested.

1 theft is theft. it is never good.
2. truth is truth, idiotic or not.
3. I often sing to the diatonic melodies of my drum kit, sorry I am so stupid not to recognize that. IDIOT, MONOTONE MONOTONE MONOTONE MONOTONE
visual representation of Kanye West.
4. bullshit!
5. Yes, why not. He hits bfm programme directors, Malo deserves it.
6. 65 thousand dollars for we got ride, not good value for money.
7.most important part of the argument, read it again.
8. 8 foot rule. whats wrong with you?
9. Looks at Dick, stealing the four square man and scribbling over things, look at his reprobate son Otis stealing music from real musicians then talking over it and, scribbling all over peoples fences. pattern here- it is a shame nobody called CYPS and had him placed with a rich white family.
10. One could argue he has eaten more than that recently, all the same when he was black he did a lot better. He no longer has the same opportunities now he is a honkey. You do the math buddy.

KIWI music is where it is at son and then look to the emerging bands.

ultimate metal

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:32 pm
if there was a racist movement of music towards black people or in new zealand to maori would you still hold the same view?
the problem is racsim and sexism and all that jazz only apply if the person sayin it is male white and midle class
were fucked and i hate it we cant retaliate to racsim as well e jumped by a bunch of braindead thugs


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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:14 pm
Hip-hop and R and B are musical manifestations of either "I'm the greatest"
or some sort of courtship between the rapper/singer and one or many of the opposite sex.
It encourages the accumulation of possessions that are expensive and exuberant, often things it's listenership cannot afford.
It would be alright if they understood this but it's such an effective marketing tool to an impressionable demographic that too many bigots are making too much money for them to stop. I speak mainly of 'gangsta-rap' when I say this and I'm sure you will see these similarities.
When the motive of making music suddenly switches from that of entertainment to control and suggestion, it's derogatory and therefore loses all merit.
There are exceptions to this and I know you're all chomping at the bit to show me what for so yeah, I know.

Other genres do this also. It's not just gangster rap but yeah, that would have to be a dominating factor in my disapproval of certain music.


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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:14 pm
Well it's not like anyone here is going to change their mind based on any of these replies, but I don't like 8 foot, the music jars and doesn't appeal to me, personal preference... I've been playing the drums for well over a decade so I'm well aware of what good drumming is... 8 foot's is no doubt technically proficient, I just don't get into that speed metal vibe thing, or whatever it is they are doing.

Theft? They pay for the samples therefore I would see it as a good purchase.

65,000 for we goin ride... seems like a good investment, which has no doubt paid off. GOod entertainment.

If scribble wants to smack someone, I actually thought it was one of his crew, rather than him himself though? Then so be it, I don't condone it, but it's kinda sweating the small stuff in the end.

Otis is a valuable part of New Zealand hip hop and contemporary art.

So who of the emerging bands are doing it right? As it seems you have a vendetta against everything that involves hip hop.


Thomas J Cynic

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:26 pm
today I have a vendetta against hip hop
tomorrow it might be kick the wiggles day
i really suspect it will be
pick on shortland street day or something else.
you are a philistine for not getting sativa
65 dollars for that obscene vid would be too much. you should pay the public of nz for making us put up with the vascilating lummox.

someone should smack Malo and see how he likes it.

Otis is a valuable elevator comp[any, mc otis is of little value. to listen to him is the definition of floccinaucinihilipilification. his art sucks too.

Good nz bands are
Anglesound, battle circus, exiter, epitome, ishtar, gods of nothing, hometown advantage, viracocha, turnpike, redmore, the rabble, sonic, remote, terminus. Just to name a few.

Thomas J Cynic

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:29 pm
oh and stop looking like me blend!

ultimate metal

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:40 pm


Hip-hop and R and B are musical manifestations of either "I'm the greatest"
or some sort of courtship between the rapper/singer and one or many of the opposite sex.
It encourages the accumulation of possessions that are expensive and exuberant, often things it's listenership cannot afford.
It would be alright if they understood this but it's such an effective marketing tool to an impressionable demographic that too many bigots are making too much money for them to stop. I speak mainly of 'gangsta-rap' when I say this and I'm sure you will see these similarities.
When the motive of making music suddenly switches from that of entertainment to control and suggestion, it's derogatory and therefore loses all merit.
There are exceptions to this and I know you're all chomping at the bit to show me what for so yeah, I know.

Other genres do this also. It's not just gangster rap but yeah, that would have to be a dominating factor in my disapproval of certain music.

youve hit the nail on the head
i would have wrote something similar but i really cant be fucked with this silly arguement
people are allowed their tastes no matter how questionable they are

oh ad i dont have a vandetta against hip hop its a vandetta against shit music in general and hip hop got caught up
but i do think there is some good hip hop i just cant be fucked lookin for it
for now rage against the machine is all i can stomach


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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:05 pm
Every musical style has its good points and bad points. Yes, it's probably quite bad that a lot of hiphop acts talk about shit they know nothing about but your're forgetting about hiphip artists who have something meaningful to say. King Kapisi talks about how fucked up the whole Catholic thing is in the islands and how badly the Samoan people were treated during the 70's. These are real issues! I'm not a fan of hiphop either but I've noticed those in this thread that are badmouthing hiphop are only looking at the bad side of it...it is easier to be 100% negative than 20% positive about something.


ultimate metal

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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:05 pm
rage against the machine
thats all i can be fucked typing


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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:57 am


I've noticed those in this thread that are badmouthing hiphop are only looking at the bad side of it...it is easier to be 100% negative than 20% positive about something.

Too true...
How about we expand eachother's ideas of music rather than bitching about what is shoved in our faces. You have to find the good music.
It might even be as simple as a bird, there's some fucked-up sounding birds out there that would out-chop anything the human race has to offer.
Liar birds?
Tasmanian devils?

Be more............something, I dunno.....but be more of it.


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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:04 am


rage against the machine
thats all i can be fucked typing

Rage is shit. Tom Morello comes up with a good riff or 2 occasionally, the drummer is shit, bass is shit, lyrics are good but the way they are performed is shit. So overall its shit. Along with the rest of hip hop, rap, rnb and so on.


Joined: 18/04/05
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RE: N Z gayest band
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:24 am
No, No!
I feel pretty confident in nominating that band who sung "how bizarre". What were they called?

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